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I was born in 1981, an era of possibility and enthusiasm. I grew up on shows such as Transformers, Odyssey 31, Mysterious Cities of Gold, He-Man, Thundercats, Bravestar, Mask, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dr. Who and Red Dwarf. All had heroic, funny, brave characters and thrilling adventures that filled every second I was awake.

Fantasy films such as Star Wars, Labyrinth, Star Trek and The Dark Crystal guided me before I could even understand their concepts toward telling stories that would inspire. The Lord of The Rings, Dune and Foundation series' pulled me into universes of endless possibility where diverse characters thrived, battled, died and were reborn.

Exercising my imagination and creativity I could tell a story with a single carefully crafted image. Drawing became my outlet for storytelling and my passion. I've been doing it for a long time, doodling, sketching, inking, painting, digitally and traditionally.

However, as often happens to dreams the real world impinged. I felt that there was no future in art, it wasn't a 'real' job. So I put away my passion and my creativity, to become something I'm not, thankfully (and perhaps inevitably), I failed.

Consistent inspired work on something I love is better than consistent resigned work on something I don't care about. The unknown is as much a challenge as it is a thrill.


Surprising, fun, tense, tragic, uplifting, scary, ridiculous, brave, honest, serious, characterful, humorous stories. Narratives are how we learn to be in the world, around others and how we come to see and know ourselves.

Our heroes and villains spring from childhood memories of stories perceived to be so real you could touch the characters, feel the stress of their struggles the love in their hearts and the tension in their voices.

The very concepts of good and bad are personified and ingrained at a young age. Narratives provide a safe environment to hold discussions about important topics to people of any social class, age, and understanding.

The greater the quality of the stories we tell ourselves and each other the greater the unity in our societies, the hope in our actions the contentment in our lives and the brighter our tomorrows will be. Not just for ourselves but the generations that follow us, those who will build the future of our species.

Telling stories that accept, include yet transcend age, religion and race while weaving characters that you believe in, with situations that inspire, intrigue and terrify is my goal. Tackling important subjects, treating them with the maturity that they deserve while inserting the unique aspects of the worlds they take place in to provide interesting perspectives and intriguing possibilities.

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